Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Canada
Our Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is comprised of experts, researchers, and educators with a passion for conserving amphibians and reptiles. The Board meets and discusses the directions and actions of ARCC-CARC and comes to decisions through a deliberative decision-making process of consensus building. The goal is to use this process to allow the Board the opportunity to actively participate in landing on an outcome together, and one that all Directors can feel comfortable with. This approach may not always reflect complete unanimity, but it does allow for the Directors’ decisions to be reached in a way that accounts and reflects the thoughts and feelings of the Board as a whole, rather than just through majority voting. The Boards goal in taking this consensus building approach is to make decisions that have been thoughtfully considered, incorporate diverse perspectives, and result in the best possible judgment given the range of experience and views held by the Board collectively.

Kelsey Moxley
Kelsey is the Field Projects Manager for Scales Nature Park and the Georgian Bay Turtle Hospital, overseeing all aspects of field work for their projects across Ontario. After graduating, she went to work for their Saving Turtles at Risk Today (START) Project in central Ontario. Under her guidance, START has grown into the largest project of its kind in Canada. She also works with turtles, snakes, frogs and salamanders to reduce or mitigate threats, monitor populations and trends, protect habitat, and engage the community in species at risk conservation through boots-on-the-ground field work and journal article publications.

Brittany Weatherall
Brittany is an Animal Care Professional at Assiniboine Park Zoo, located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Though she cares for a wide variety of animals, she has always maintained both a professional and personal passion for herpetofauna. Educational outreach is also of great importance to Brittany - She never misses an opportunity to instil in others an appreciation for reptiles and amphibians! Brittany has attempted to learn how to knit on four occasions and enjoys hiking and making wine in her spare time.

Anthony Amsel
Anthony is a Wildlife Biologist with a keen focus on species at risk conservation. He has had the pleasure of closely working with marine mammals, bears, and canids, while his passion remains Canada's amphibians and reptiles. As an Expedition Leader, Anthony facilitates wildlife connection through exploration and discovery. An avid outdoorsman, he also relishes any opportunity to spend time outside where he can dive into nature; you can probably find him paddling, climbing, or hiking in the bush.

James Baxter-Gilbert
James Baxter-Gilbert is an evolutionary ecologist and conservation biologist, currently working for Mount Allison University. Across his career his research has focused on understanding the impacts and biological ramification of anthropogenic landscapes on reptiles and amphibians. Particularly, this has included work testing the effectiveness of road mortality mitigation, understanding physiological metrics for gauging anthropogenic impacts, and examining adaptive changes in behaviour, morphology, and performance capacity resulting from urbanisation.
Jenny Pearce
Jenny began Sciensational Sssnakes!! as a business in 1994. Working with reptiles has been her life long dream and she is very privileged to work with such a fantastic team of people and animals everyday.
Ryan Wolfe
Ryan holds an M.Sc. in ecology and evolutionary biology from the University of Toronto and specializes in herpetofauna. He has worked with reptiles and amphibians in Ontario for over five years with organizations such as Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Ontario Nature, and Wildlife Preservation Canada. Ryan is currently leading an ongoing conservation research project on the only remaining population of Blue Racer in Canada, alongside multiple partner organizations. In his free time, Ryan enjoys hiking, skiing, photography, and art.